The Role of Land Tenure Change in Forest Degradation and Economic Development in Laos
Laos has faced significant deforestation and forest degradation since 1975. While reforestation efforts have been made, issues such as forestland encroachment and land claims within National Protected Areas (NPAs), designated for biodiversity conservation, persist. These areas are increasingly used for cash crop cultivation, linked to changes in land tenure and household economic improvements. Understanding these land tenure changes is essential for addressing encroachment, promoting economic development, and curbing deforestation. This study examines the factors influencing land tenure changes and their impacts, using statistical analyses like comparative tests and path analysis. Drawing on smallholder slot and John Locke’s land claim theories, the research focuses on villages within the Phou Hin Poun NPA. Results reveal significant changes in land access rights, closely tied to forestland encroachment. Encroachment, along with state capacity, with perceptions among smallholders that they can secure land access. Commercial cassava cultivation directly boosts household income but indirectly exacerbates forestland issues. The findings emphasize the need for stricter law enforcement measures to resolve forestland encroachment. Proper allocation of land for agriculture and improved crop productivity are recommended. This research provides critical insights for managing NPAs in Laos and offers lessons for other nations facing similar challenges.
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