Climate Change, Sustainability, and Environmental Law: A Pathway to Reform
Climate change, sustainability, environmental law, legal reform, climate justiceAbstract
Climate change poses a significant threat to global sustainability, impacting ecosystems, economies, and societies. As the world grapples with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss, environmental law serves as a critical tool for mitigation and adaptation. However, existing legal frameworks often fall short due to fragmentation, weak enforcement, and inequities, particularly in addressing the needs of developing countries and vulnerable populations. This article examines the intersection of climate change, sustainability, and environmental law, with a focus on identifying gaps in current frameworks and proposing pathways for reform. Employing a qualitative research design, the study reviews international agreements, national policies, and emerging trends in environmental governance. Key findings highlight the need for integrated climate and sustainability goals, robust enforcement mechanisms, inclusive decision-making processes, and a stronger emphasis on climate justice. The article also underscores the importance of leveraging technology and addressing underregulated areas, such as marine biodiversity and climate-induced migration. By advocating for adaptive and equitable legal regimes, the study provides actionable recommendations for policymakers, aiming to foster climate resilience and sustainable development. This research emphasizes that reforming environmental law is essential to mitigate climate change's adverse effects and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.
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