Influencer Impact: Examining the Effect of Influencers on Consumer Behavior and Purchase


  • Sraddhaa Mishra Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Noida, India.
  • Rubaid Ashfaq Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Noida, India.


Influencer, Consumer Behavior, Purchase Decision, social media


The rise of social media influencers has changed the marketing landscape and significantly changed how businesses promote their products and services. Influencer marketing has grown in popularity as a means for businesses to interact with their target market on social media platforms, and there is much debate about its potential to affect consumer desire and purchasing behavior. This research seeks to understand the role of influencers in shaping consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. The literature review provides a comprehensive account of the body of research on influencer marketing and its impacts on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. The article examines several elements of influencer marketing, including the value and legitimacy of messages, the characteristics of influencers, and the accuracy of influencer content.




How to Cite

Mishra, S., & Ashfaq, R. (2023). Influencer Impact: Examining the Effect of Influencers on Consumer Behavior and Purchase. Traditional Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 1(01), 55 –. Retrieved from

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