About the Journal

The Traditional Journal of Humanities, Management, and Linguistics (TJHML) is an open-access, online, editorial-reviewed (blind), peer-reviewed (double-blind), biannual/semi-annual (with continuous publications strategy) research journal published by ARCAITL Journals. This journal provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of humanities, management, and linguistics. The Journal of Humanities, Management, and Linguistics invites submissions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners in these fields and is committed to providing a forum for rigorous, evidence-based research and scholarship. With its interdisciplinary focus, the journal is dedicated to promoting the integration of knowledge and understanding between the fields of humanities, management, and linguistics.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January-June 2024
Published: 2024-01-01
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