Technology as a Catalyst for Change: Exploring the Transformative Impact of Technology on Women's Attitudes Towards Family Planning Services in Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State, Nigeria


  • Andeskebtso Yohanna Adaki Taraba State University Jalingo


Technology, Impact, Attitude, Family Planning Services



Technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives as a result of digital advances, altering numerous parts of society, including healthcare. This paper explored how technological inventions such as mobile applications, internet platforms, and telemedicine, impact women's views regarding family planning services. Secondary data from previously published publications, journals, newspapers, websites, government reports, statistics, and other materials were employed for the study. According to the paper, technology has a critical influence in altering women's attitudes regarding family planning services. Technology's ability to ease accessibility and anonymity were recognized as major aspects that affected women's attitudes favorably towards family planning. Furthermore, the paper argued that technology empowers women by providing them with accurate and trustworthy information, lowering obstacles to access, and promoting improved family planning decision-making. The study did, however, identify possible obstacles and limits connected with technology-driven family planning services, such as privacy, security, and internet connections. Understanding these issues can assist policymakers and healthcare practitioners in designing interventions that address women's needs and concerns, providing equal access to technology-enabled family planning services. In summary, this study adds to the body of knowledge by shedding light on the influence of technology on women's views regarding family planning services.




How to Cite

Adaki, A. Y. (2023). Technology as a Catalyst for Change: Exploring the Transformative Impact of Technology on Women’s Attitudes Towards Family Planning Services in Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State, Nigeria. Traditional Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 1(02), 01–12. Retrieved from

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