Ethio-Eritrea Rapprochement: A Critical Appraisal of Challenges and Prospects


  • Awol Ali College of Law and Governance, Hawassa University, Ethiopia


Ethiopia, Eritrea, Rapprochement, peace, security, stability, Horn of Africa


The Ethiopia-Eritrea rapprochement has been a long-awaited event that has been met with both excitement and apprehension. As a result, employing a qualitative research approach, this paper provides a critical assessment of the challenges and prospects of the current Ethiopia-Eritrea rapprochement, as well as its implications for the Horn of Africa region's peace and stability. Despite the optimisms, the rapprochement faced enormous hurdles. The challenges of restoring trust between the two countries after decades of enmity and animosity, the persistence of major political issues such as the disputed border, the issue of monetary policy and economic imbalance, war displaced people, and the geopolitics of the Horn of Africa can all be mentioned. Moreover, un-demarcated boundary, the excluded voices of stakeholders during the Pretoria agreement, enmity between the TPLF and the PFDJ, and the divided Red Sea Alliance are among the overwhelming challenges. In terms of prospects, the rapprochement has transformed the horn of Africa's peace and security from reciprocal destabilization and subversion to mutual stability and cooperation. In addition, the rapprochement enhanced regional cooperation and integration in the horn of Africa, it decreased the threat of GERD, and enhanced the IGAD`s credibility as a regional organization.


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How to Cite

Ali, A. (2023). Ethio-Eritrea Rapprochement: A Critical Appraisal of Challenges and Prospects . Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 2(02), 51–70. Retrieved from

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