An Analysis of Teaching Methods at Undergraduate Level in Public Sector Colleges of KPK, Pakistan


  • Palwasha Syed PhD Scholar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IISAT Gujranwala
  • Iqra Riasat Scholar of MS in Applied Anthropology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Bahria University E-8 Campus, Islamabad
  • Majid Hussain Alias Ghalib Hussain Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Bahria University E-8 Campus, Islamabad


Effective teaching methods, Undergraduate, Colleges, Public sector, Students, Teachers, Qualitative, Case study, Analysis, KPK, Pakistan


The present exploratory case study is an in-depth analysis of different teaching methods used at the undergraduate level in Government Postgraduate College Nowshera (GPGC NSR), representing the public sector colleges of KPK. The study examines both the teachers and students’ perceptions about different teaching methods, and also highlights challenges associated with the implementation of different teaching methods. A sample of 7 respondents was selected through purposive sampling technique from one department of the college within the Social Sciences faculty. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were used as research instrument. The data was manually transcribed, categorized, and summarized by using thematic analysis. The findings reveal that traditional lecture and discussion methods are widely used at this level. The study also explores various challenges including, insufficient multimedia, projectors, inadequate library books, lack of professional teachers’ trainings, language barriers, and shortage of funds. Recommendations include encouraging teachers to use mix-method and innovative teaching methods. Initiation of collaborative activities among colleges and universities, organizing professional grooming trainings for teachers, offering language proficiency courses, allocation of funds for purchasing and provision of conducive environment. Establishing proper mechanism for assessment and promoting culture of students’ feedback.


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How to Cite

An Analysis of Teaching Methods at Undergraduate Level in Public Sector Colleges of KPK, Pakistan. (2025). Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 3(02), 71 –83.

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