A SWOT analysis of In-Service Training Programs for Agricultural Extension Workers in Southern Punjab, Pakistan
In-service Trainings, Extension workers, SWOT, Effectiveness, South PunjabAbstract
This research examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, as well as threats (SWOT) of in-service training programs extension workers in agriculture sector in Southern region of Punjab, Pakistan. The population comprised of extension workers across Punjab, a sample size of 300 respondents was randomly selected from five districts in the southern region. Data was collected using a structured interview schedule. The findings revealed that key strengths included the effectiveness of training methodologies, alignment with the specific needs of extension workers, and the integration of technology. However, weaknesses such as poor communication of training opportunities, limited supervisor support, and a lack of engaging training methods were significant barriers. Opportunities identified included the adoption of emerging technologies, partnerships with educational institutions, and online learning platforms, while threats like natural disasters, competing organizations, and resource constraints posed challenges. The study highlights the need for better communication, flexibility, and innovation to enhance the efficiency of in-service training programs
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