The Pollution of The Role of The Polri in The Prevention of Commotion in Demonstration


  • Pathilah Asba Faculty of Law Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Bisnis Andi Sapada
  • Muhammad Akbar Fhad Syahril Faculty of Law Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Bisnis Andi Sapada
  • Irzal Makkarawa Direktorat Korps Sabhara Polda Sulawesi Selatan


Role, National Police, Anarchist demonstrations, Melee


This study aims to determine the process of handling anarchy demonstrations that impact riots. This study made use of the following sort of research: Empirical research is intended, that is, research using field data as the main data source, such as the outcomes of interviews and observations. Normative research is an approach that is carried out by analysing legislation, theories, and concepts connected to the problems to be examined. The results of this study indicate that the role of the police in tackling demonstrations, especially the anarchy and the impact of riots, is quite important as a guard and protector of the masses who express opinions in public and maintain order and security so that the masses who express opinions can be orderly. Furthermore, the role of the National Police Chief Regulation No. 16 of 2006 regarding crowd control guidelines Is to be used as a guide to control mass demonstrations that are anarchic or detrimental to the state and the general public. The police constraint in handling demonstrations, namely a large number of demonstrators, the many actions carried out without prior notification, as well as the almost evenly distributed action points in several areas, especially during elections, make it difficult for officers to control/guard demonstrations and the limited personnel and facilities.




How to Cite

Asba, P., Syahril, M. A. F., & Makkarawa, I. (2022). The Pollution of The Role of The Polri in The Prevention of Commotion in Demonstration. Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 1(02), 53–72. Retrieved from

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