Creative Performance of Healthcare Professionals (Nurses) in Hospitals Lahore, Pakistan


  • Fahad Saddique Ph.D. Scholar, The Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Nauman Mushtaq Ph.D. Scholar, The Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Dr Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar Associate Professor, Department of Management Science, Virtual University of Pakistan.Lahore, Pakistan
  • Dr. Zaheer Abbas Assistant Professor, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Associate Professor, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore Pakistan


idiosyncratic deals, thriving, creative performance, health services


This study is conducted with belongs to observe the unique association of idiosyncratic deals (I-deals) and creative performance of nurses through the mediating role of thriving. Data used in this study is collected by the 421 Pakistani healthcare professionals including nurses and doctors by using convenience sampling method. We found significant impact of I-deals on creative performance of nurses and doctors, and similarly we also concluded that thriving is partially mediates among the association of I-deals and creative performance. In crux, this study suggests that nurses should be offered I-deals so that their creative performance can be improve and definitely the combined health services would be improved. The implications with conclusive discussion are also provided with the study


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How to Cite

Saddique, F., Mushtaq, N., Ali Asghar, D. M. J. e K., Abbas, D. Z., & Nawaz, D. M. (2023). Creative Performance of Healthcare Professionals (Nurses) in Hospitals Lahore, Pakistan. Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 2(01), 60 –. Retrieved from

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