Influence of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on the Organization Performance with Moderator Role of Technological Leadership Support on Construction Organization of Pakistan


  • Fahad Saddique Doctoral Researcher, (Management Sciences) Institute of Management Science, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Nauman Mushtaq Doctoral Researcher, (Management Sciences) Institute of Management Science, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Urenna Nwagwu University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, United States
  • Abdul Rehman Naeem Mphil Student, Sustainable Product & Industrial Designer, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan


Artificial Intelligence, Technological Leadership Support, Organization Performance and Construction Organization in Pakistan


This study aims to investigate the influence of artificial intelligence technologies on organizational performance. Furthermore, the moderator role checks for technological leadership support. The study data was collected by survey questionnaire with 325 sample sizes of professionals from construction organizations in Pakistan. The study's results show that the influence of artificial intelligence plays a vital role in enhancing organizational performance, with a positive moderator role as a result of technological leadership support in construction organizations. The results suggested that implementing the latest technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, and advanced technologies with the moderator effect of technological leadership positively impacts organizational performance within construction organizations. The present study is valuable to the existing knowledge of digitalization and technological advancement. Furthermore, it offers valuable insights for professionals and policymakers. The study results show technological advancements that facilitate more successful collaboration in the face of unanticipated challenges for better organizational performance


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How to Cite

Fahad Saddique, Nauman Mushtaq, Urenna Nwagwu, & Abdul Rehman Naeem. (2024). Influence of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on the Organization Performance with Moderator Role of Technological Leadership Support on Construction Organization of Pakistan. Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 3(01), 47 –. Retrieved from

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