Assessing the China-Pakistan FTA and Its Alignment with WTO Digital Trade Provisions
China-Pakistan FTA, Data Localization, Developing Countries, Digital Trade, E-Commerce, Intellectual Property, Regulatory Harmonization, WTOAbstract
This study examines the integration of digital trade provisions in the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and its alignment with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. With the rise of digital trade as a crucial component of global commerce, the research focuses on how the FTA reflects these developments and what it means for Pakistan's digital economy. The study adopts a qualitative approach, analyzing the FTA’s provisions on e-commerce and digital services, and comparing them with key WTO agreements such as the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Findings indicate that while the FTA presents opportunities for Pakistan to enhance digital trade, challenges persist in areas such as regulatory harmonization, data localization, and intellectual property enforcement. The study concludes that Pakistan needs to strengthen its digital infrastructure and regulatory frameworks to fully benefit from the agreement, and it recommends active engagement in WTO negotiations to address emerging digital trade issues.
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