Deradicalism as a Humanistic Approach to Managing Radicalism in Indonesia


  • Wahyu Hadingrat Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Ir. Soekarno KM 21 Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang
  • Kurniawan Tri Wibowo Faculty of Law, Univerity of 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang


Islamic Boarding School De radicalism, Humanistic and Radicalism


Radicalism is thought based on beliefs about the values, ideas, and views held by someone who is judged to be the most correct and considers others to be wrong. Social media is now an important factor in the spread of radicalism in Indonesia, this is supported using the internet in Indonesia which shows an increasing trend from year to year. This research is intended to build the concept of Islamic boarding school radicalism as a humanistic approach in tackling radicalism in Indonesia Indonesian. The results of the study stated that deradicalization pesantren are reeducation, rehabilitation, resocialization, and reintegration. With pesantren, perpetrators exposed to radicalism can be temporarily separated, but not imprisoned. The actors can also interact and even add religious knowledge. Thus, the thirst for understanding about religion will be channeled properly, through the guidance of uztad and kyai who are certainly pro-nationalism and loyal to the Unitary State of Indonesia. After the perpetrators exposed to radicalism have understood their mistakes and are loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, resocialization will be carried out, and reintegration into society will be carried out. Deradicalization boarding schools are, of course, currently a humanist discourse in tackling radicalism. Radicalism is sometimes not only overcome through repressive legal means but can also use humanist and persuasive methods. Therefore, deradicalization pesantren is an answer for mapping as well as de-radicalizing perpetrators exposed to radicalism without committing terrorism.




How to Cite

Hadingrat, W., & Tri Wibowo, K. (2022). Deradicalism as a Humanistic Approach to Managing Radicalism in Indonesia. Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 1(02), 28–39. Retrieved from

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