The Transformative Potential of AI in Green Marketing Strategies


  • Karim DARBAN ENCG Casablanca, University Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
  • Smail KABBAJ ENCG Casablanca, University Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
  • Mostafa el jai


AI, Digital marketing, Green marketing strategies, Social-Media, Sustainability


This paper explores how AI can greatly enhance green marketing strategies by improving customer targeting, providing personalized recommendations, optimizing supply chains, and accurately forecasting market trends. And addresses the challenges associated with data quality, privacy concerns, biases in algorithms, and transparency issues that need to be overcome for responsible AI implementation. The paper suggests practical recommendations for policymakers to promote ethical and sustainable use of AI in green marketing. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration among businesses, policymakers, and researchers to ensure responsible AI adoption.


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How to Cite

Karim DARBAN, Smail KABBAJ, & Mostafa el jai. (2023). The Transformative Potential of AI in Green Marketing Strategies. Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 2(02), 14–38. Retrieved from

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